Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sunday Videos: The Doctor is In

One person that would never have to worry about Daylight Savings Time is the Doctor. His entire life is full of wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff. So for this weeks Sunday Video, why not some Doctor Who? 
I saw this one last week and thought it was the neatest thing. It's every Doctor Who story from  the beginning. Also reminds me that I need to watch more Classic Doctor Who episodes. 
Fun fact: When describing how the episodes are grouped together,  seasons is used for Classic Who and series is for New Who.

Here's one of the stories shown in the video, "Time Crash" from BBC's Children in Need Special. It's where the Tenth Doctor (David Tennant) happens to meet the Fifth Doctor (Peter Davison). Fun Fact: Tennant married Davison's daughter Georgia Moffett in December. They met on the set of Doctor Who when she played his daughter in the season 4 episode "The Doctor's Daughter" and they also have a daughter together. How more timey wimey can you get with that?

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