I feel like I'm in that camp where I have so many ideas/goals that I want to accomplish in the new year, but I end up falling short.
Not this year.
I want to push myself to get my goals done for the year. They may be life changing or not. But as long as I focus on them, my 2014 will be full of productivity and growth.
I also decided to keep my list to five goals that can be attainable as long as I don't turn into a lazy ass. Fingers crossed that doesn't happen.
* Blog More - Ever since my laptop broke a year and a half ago, I haven't been keeping up with blogging. I'll write a post here and there, but I would have months of radio silence here. This year I'm going to put myself on a blogging schedule and do three posts a week, most likely on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. I'm also going to keep a notebook on hand to jot down post ideas. When it comes time to write my posts, most likely at the public library, I will keep myself distraction free as possible. Meaning, not opening extra tabs on the web browser.
* Read More - Last year, I read a total of four books. WHOMP WHOMP. Yeah four books is better than nothing, but when you come home from the library with tons of new books to read while still having piles of books you bought that are also begging to be read, then it's time to get cracking. Not only have I joined two book clubs this year, but I'm also taking part of the Good Reads Book Challenge and giving myself 2014 to read 150 books.
* Create More - I always have these spurts where I'll do a craft, such as cross-stitching or sewing, for weeks at a time and all of a sudden I just stop. I can place blame on work and other things, but in reality I probably spent 40% of my time in my bed watching tv or spending way too much time on my phone. Like blogging, I want to set up some time where I get my creative juices flowing. I'll also still binge watch my favorite shows, but I'll get my crafting done at the same time so at least I feel like I'm doing something. I also want to get my Etsy Shop up and running so I'll be able to post new items on a weekly basis.
*Explore More - Ever the homebody, I prefer to stay at home on my days off. But this is the year where I want to venture outside my room more that doesn't involve conventions. I'm hoping to visit my sister and brother-in-law in NYC this spring, visit places in Califorina that I've been longing to see, and possibly visit a city I've never been to.
* Be More Healthy - As much as I love embracing my 30s, I'm not getting any younger, so the days of scarfing down whatever I wanted is no longer an option. I have no plans of going on extreme diets, but I do plan on not eating so much (or not at all) of my favorites, such as sweets, fast food, and soda. This will be the year I will sign up for a 5K and will be on a regular exercise routine.
What do you plan on conquering in 2014?
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