Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Whovian Wednesday: Dress Like The 12th Doctor

On Monday, the BBC released a photo of The Twelfth Doctors (Peter Capaldi) outfit and there's nary a bow tie in sight. As my friend posted on Facebook, it's Classic Who and Eleven's love child. Also as some other Whovians pointed out, it looks like a Teddy Boy from the 1960s. I love the simplicity of it all, but it still has some cool touches, such as the red lining on the jacket. I'm already expecting lots of Twelve's when I go to Wondercon in April. Heck I'll probably see a lot on my Instagram feed during Gallifrey One. 
Here's my femme version of his costume.

Since this is the internet, here are some funny pictures and a gif of Twelve in his new outfit.
What do you think of his new threads?




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